Tapping the best job providers in the market is our constant endeavor.
Promoting excellence in education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship through continuous developments to transform the entire community.
Ensure that our students develop the character, attitude, abilities and skills to face ups and downs with the realistic challenges of life.
Focused to meet the changing global needs with a diversity of upcoming future generation Programmes across different disciplines of specialization.
We will facilitate the development and dissemination of knowledge in the global community by caring for the ideas, integrity and talent of each other through the exchange of ideas to live and work in harmony.
We will encourage a sense of belonging based on trust, symbiotic relationship and self-governance to serve the community as true human beings with high moral values.
In order to strengthen the community and self-development, the adoption of technology for effective outreach needs to be within human spirits.
Are you thinking of applying for study at UU or supporting someone who is? Please complete the steps to start your journey.
Our students graduate with self-confidence and social skills. The diversity they encounter during their education prepares them to engage in various cultures and global industries.
Uttaranchal University has come a long way since its inception providing world-class education in diverse domains.
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