B.Tech. Civil Engineering

Get an opportunity to work in environmental challenges, education, health care, transportation, real estate, smart city planning, travelling and tourism Firms.

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Best Civil Engineering College
in Uttaranchal, India

The study of the design, building, and maintenance of physical and naturally generated environments, such as, roads, bridges, canals, dams, and structures, is known as civil engineering. The range and application of civil engineering is the widest and most recognised by all engineering branches. Civil Engineers are responsible for the complete infrastructure architecture of a contemporary nation. Civil engineers are responsible for the construction of massive power plants, dams, airports, seaports, motorways, interior waterways, and industrial plants. They are also involved in the construction of a diverse range of urban constructions, including complexes, skyscrapers, tunnels, bridges, roads, URT systems, sports stadiums, and so on. It is said that the best creator on earth after the God is a Civil Engineer and it is the will of a civil engineer who fight with the nature’s obstacles and create the build environment for the society to live and enjoy.

B.Tech Civil Engineering is a 4 years (8 semesters) undergraduate program designed to create engineers who can work for the society for creating space to improve their living standard, create safe and secure environment from natural and man-made disasters. The teaching – learning pedagogy involves not only classroom teaching but also experiential learning through practical in the lab, fields and interactions with experts, training in workshops, internships, live projects and field work. Students are taught variety of courses in the field of structural engineering, transportation engineering, water supply and waste water treatment, environment engineering, foundation engineering, surveying, estimation and costing etc. Apart from that students have exposure to software learning relevant to industry and it is ensured that students are industry ready after leaving the college life and easily adaptive to the new environment through skill development based courses.

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Career Prospects:

With current Information Technology boom and expansion of the software industry, Civil Engineering profession is also evolving through adoption of new trends and technology. Now, we talk about digital construction, automation in construction, 3D printed houses, AI & ML applications in the field of planning, design, IoT for efficient project management and it was only possible when the technologies are integrated with GIS, BIM etc. Students with right abilities and expertise has huge demand in the public and private sectors and they can work as Surveyor, Design Consultant, urban planner and developer, site engineer, project manager, and work in the field of transport infrastructure, structural engineering, water and pipeline engineering. The scope is huge.




and Choice

Based Academics




and Conducive

Learning Environment

Eligibility & Fee Details


Download-LE FEE

B.Tech. Civil Engineering

Uttarakhand Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (12th Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
1st Semester Academic Fee 62,363 62,363 62,363 62,363
Merit Scholarship 18,709 12,473 6,236 --
Net Academic Fee 43,654 49,890 56,126 62,363
Development Fee 4,989 4,989 4,989 4,989
Other Fee 28,150 28,150 28,150 28,150
2nd Semester Academic Fee 62,363 62,363 62,363 62,363
Merit Scholarship 18,709 12,473 6,236 --
Net Academic Fee 43,654 49,890 56,126 62,363
Development Fee 4,989 4,989 4,989 4,989
Other Fee 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges

(1st Category) 


(2nd Category) 


(3rd Category) 


(4th Category) 


All India Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (12th Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
1st Semester Academic Fee 83,150 83,150 83,150 83,150
Students Diversity Scholarship 9,952 9,952 9,952 9,952
Merit Scholarship 21,959 14,640 7,320 -
Net Academic Fee 51,239 58,558 65,878 73,198
Development Fee 6,652 6,652 6,652 6,652
Other Fee 28,150 28,150 28,150 28,150
2nd Semester Academic Fee 83,150 83,150 83,150 83,150
Students Diversity Scholarship 9,952 9,952 9,952 9,952
Merit Scholarship 21,959 14,640 7,320 -
Net Academic Fee 51,239 58,558 65,878 73,198
Development Fee 6,652 6,652 6,652 6,652
Other Fee 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges

(1st Category) 


(2nd Category) 


(3rd Category) 


(4th Category) 


Uttarakhand Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (Diploma Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(Diploma Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(Diploma Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(Diploma Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
3rd Semester Academic Fee 62,363 62,363 62,363 62,363
Merit Scholarship 18,709 12,473 6,236 --
Net Academic Fee 43,654 49,890 56,126 62,363
Development Fee 4,989 4,989 4,989 4,989
Other Fee 28,150 28,150 28,150 28,150
4th Semester Academic Fee 62,363 62,363 62,363 62,363
Merit Scholarship 18,709 12,473 6,236 --
Net Academic Fee 43,654 49,890 56,126 62,363
Development Fee 4,989 4,989 4,989 4,989
Other Fee 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges

(1st Category) 


(2nd Category) 


(3rd Category) 


(4th Category) 


All India Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (Diploma Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(Diploma Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(Diploma Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(Diploma Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
3rd Semester Academic Fee 83,150 83,150 83,150 83,150
Students Diversity Scholarship 9,952 9,952 9,952 9,952
Merit Scholarship 21,959 14,640 7,320 -
Net Academic Fee 51,239 58,558 65,878 73,198
Development Fee 6,652 6,652 6,652 6,652
Other Fee 28,150 28,150 28,150 28,150
4th Semester Academic Fee 83,150 83,150 83,150 83,150
Students Diversity Scholarship 9,952 9,952 9,952 9,952
Merit Scholarship 21,959 14,640 7,320 -
Net Academic Fee 51,239 58,558 65,878 73,198
Development Fee 6,652 6,652 6,652 6,652
Other Fee 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges

(1st Category) 


(2nd Category) 


(3rd Category) 


(4th Category) 


One Time Payable Charges in 1st Semester (INR)

Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Caution Money
(Refundable after completion of programme)
Studenta Welfare Fee
10,000 2,000 2,000 6,000

Other Charges Per Semester (INR)

Examination Fee Library Fee Students ERP/ID Card Fee/ Industrial Tour Fee Online Student Information Fee Total
4,600 800 1,250 1,500 8,150

Optional Fee (INR)

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed with Attached Bathroom (Only for Boys) Triple Bed Four Bed
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 85,000 60,000 70,000 52,000 47,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,30,000 1,05,000 1,15,000 97,000 92,000

Optional Fee (INR) / Flats Only For Girls

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed Lobby (3 Seated) Lobby (4 Seated)
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 90,000 80,000 70,000 65,000 50,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,35,000 1,25,000 1,15,000 1,10,000 95,000

Optional Fee (INR)

Transportation Fee for Poanta Sahib Route per Academic Year (INR) 25,000
Transportation Fee for Doiwala/Nepali Farm/Rishikesh Routes per Academic Year (INR) 24,000
Transportation Fee for Other Routes per Academic Year (INR) 18,000


  • Passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as compulsory subjects.
  • Minimum 50% marks for general and 45% in case of SC/ST category.
For Lateral Entry
  • Passed 3 years Diploma in Engineering/ 2 years Diploma in Engineering (Lateral Entry)/B.Sc. with PCM Examination.
  • Minimum 60% marks in case of general category; 55% marks in case of SC/ST category


  • Only one choice of scholarship will be allowed to the candidate from the following:
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Girl Candidate for complete programme.
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to ward of Defence Personnel for complete programme.
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Alumni of Uttaranchal University (only in 1st year).
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Sibling of Uttaranchal University(only in 1st year).
  • If any student deposits his/her complete yearly Fee, in that case additional scholarship of 5% on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship)will be provided for 1st year only.

Admission Procedure:

Programme Structure

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 TMA 101/ TPH 101 Engineering Mathematics / Engineering Physics 3
2 TCS 101 Programming for Problem Solving 3
3 TME 101/ TAE 101/ TAE 102 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering / Aero-Thermodynamics / Fundamentals of Computational Mechanics &Robotics 3
4 TEE 101/ TEC 101/ TCE 101 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering / Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering / Elements of Basic Civil Engineering 3
5 THU 101/ TES 101 Technical Communication Skills / Environmental Science 2
6 PEE 101/ PEC 101/ PCE 101 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Lab / Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering Lab / Elements of Basic Civil Engineering Lab 1
7 PCS 101 Programming for Problem Solving Lab 1
8 PME 101/ PPH 101/PAE-102 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Lab/Engineering Physics Lab / Aero-Thermodynamics Lab 1
9 PHU 101/ PES 101 Technical Communication Skills Lab / Environmental Science Lab 1
10 PME 111/ PME 112 Computer Aided Engineering Graphics & Design Lab / Workshop Practice Lab 1
11 PCS 111/ PCS 112 Web Design Lab / SQL Programming Lab 1
Total credit Sem. I 20

* MOOCs (Credit Transfer as per policy)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 TMA 151/ TPH 151 Engineering Mathematics / Engineering Physics 3
2 TCS 151 Introduction to Python programming 3
3 TME 151/ TAE 151/ TAE 152 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering / Aero-Thermodynamics / Fundamentals of Computational Mechanics &Robotics 3
4 TEE 151/ TEC 151/ TCE 151 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering / Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering / Building Materials and Constructions 3
5 THU 151/ TES 151 Technical Communication Skills / Environmental Science 2
6 PEE 151/ PEC 151/ PCE 151 Fundamental of Electrical Engineering Lab / Fundamentals of Electronics Engineering Lab / Building Materials and Constructions Lab 1
7 PCS 151 Python Programming Lab 1
8 PME 151/ PPH 151/ PAE-152 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Lab/Engineering Physics Lab / Aero-Thermodynamics Lab 1
9 PHU 151/ PES 151 Technical Communication Skills Lab/ Environmental Science Lab 1
10 PME 161/ PME 162 Computer Aided Engineering Graphics & Design Lab / Workshop Practice Lab 1
11 PCS 161/ PCS 162 Web Design Lab / SQL Programming Lab 1
Total credit Sem. II 20

*MOOCs(Credit Transfer as per policy)
Note: The mini project or internship (3-4 weeks) conducted during summer break after second semester, will be assessed in III - semester.

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 TCE-201 Fluid Mechanics 4
2 TCE-202 Strength of Materials 4
3 TCE-203 Basic Surveying 4
4 TCE-204 Engineering Geology 3
5 TCE-205 Engineering Hydrology 3
6 PCE-201 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1
7 PCE-202 Civil Engineering Drawing Lab 1
8 PCE-203 Surveying and Geomatics Lab 1
9 PCE-204 Geology Lab 1
10 PCE-205 Mini Project or Internship Assessment 1
Total credit Sem. III 23

• MOOCs (Credit Transfer as per policy)
*The mini project or internship (3-4 weeks) conducted during summer break after second semester, will be assessed in III - semester.

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 TCE-251 Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines 4
2 TCE-252 Structural Analysis 3
3 TCE-253 Design of Steel Structures 4
4 TCE-254 Concrete Technology 3
5 TCE-255 Advanced Surveying 3
6 PCE-251 Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines Lab 1
7 PCE-252 Structural Analysis Lab 1
8 PCE-253 Concrete Technology Lab 1
9 PCE-254 Advanced Surveying Field Work Lab 1
Total credit Sem. IV 21

• MOOCs (Credit Transfer as per policy)
*Mini project or internship (3-4 weeks) conducted during summer break after fourth semester, will be assessed in V - semester.

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 TCE-301 Soil Mechanics 4
2 TCE-302 Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 4
3 TCE-303 Environmental Engineering 4
4 TCE-30X Programme Elective-I 3
5 TCE-30X/ TCE-31X Programme Elective-II 3
6 PCE-301 Soil Mechanics Lab 1
7 PCE-302 Environmental Engineering Lab 1
8 PCE-303 Mini Project or Internship Assessment 1
Total credit Sem. V 21

• MOOCs (Credit Transfer as per policy)
* Mini project or internship (3-4 weeks) conducted during summer break after fourth semester, will be assessed in V - semester.

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 TCE-351 Transportation Engineering 4
2 TCE-352 Research Methodology and IPR 4
3 TCE-30X Programme Elective-III 3
4 TCE-30X/ TCE-31X Programme Elective-IV 3
5 TOCE-30X Open Elective-I 3
6 PCE-351 Transportation Engineering Lab 1
7 PCE-352 Computer Aided Design Lab 1
8 PCE-353 Structural Detailing Lab 1
9 PCE-354 Survey Skills Development camp / Tour 1
Total credit Sem. VI 21

• MOOCs (Credit Transfer as per policy)
Note: Mini Project or Internship (3-4 weeks) conducted during summer break after sixth semester, will be assessed in VII - semester.

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 TCE-401 Estimation and Valuation Management 3
2 TCE-402 Project Management in Construction Technology 3
3 TCE-40X Programme Elective-V 3
4 TCE-40X/ TCE-41X Programme Elective-VI 3
5 TOCE-40X Open Elective-II 3
6 PCE-401 Structure analysis & Design software Lab 1
7 PCE-402 Mini Project or Internship Assessment# 1
8 PCE-403 Project Phase-I 1
Total credit Sem. VII 18

• MOOCs (Credit Transfer as per policy)
*The Mini Project or Internship (3-4 weeks) conducted during summer break after sixth semester, will be assessed in VII - semester.

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 THU-451 Entrepreneurship Development &Business Communication 3
2 TCE-451 Remote Sensing and GIS 3
3 TCE-45X Programme Elective-VII 2
4 TCE-45X Programme Elective-VIII 2
5 TOCE-45X Open Elective-III 2
6 PCE-451 Project Phase-II 8
Total credit Sem. VIII 20

• MOOCs (Credit Transfer as per policy)

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TCE-304 Water Resource Engineering 3
2. TCE-305 Modern Construction Materials 3
3. TCE-306 Town planning and Architecture 3
4. TCE-307 Environmental Chemistry & Microbiology of Water 3

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TCE-308 Advanced Structural Analysis 3
2. TCE-309 Machine Foundation 3
3. TCE-310 Rock Mechanics 3
4. TCE-311 Traffic Planning & Design 3

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TCE-353 Foundation Engineering 3
2. TCE-354 Photogrammetry & GPS Surveying 3
3. TCE-355 Environmental Quality Systems and Management 3
4. TCE-356 Green Construction Materials and Techniques 3

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TCE-357 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Structures 3
2. TCE-358 Prestress Concrete Structures 3
3. TCE-359 Air and Noise Pollution 3
4. TCE-360 Sensors and Instrumentation Technologies for Civil Engineering Applications 3

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TCE-403 River Engineering 2
2. TCE-404 Railway and Airway Engineering 2
3. TCE-405 Advanced Foundation Design 2
4. TCE-406 Remote Sensing and GPS 2

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TCE-407 Design of Earthquake Resistant Buildings 2
2. TCE-408 Advanced Steel Structures 2
3. TCE-409 Environmental Health & Rural Sanitation Engineering 2
4. TCE-410 Application of IoT in Civil Engineering 2

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TCE-452 Bridge Engineering 2
2. TCE-453 Environment Impact Assessment & Management system 2
3. TCE-454 Intelligent Transport System Technologies and Applications 2
4. TCE-455 Project Management Techniques & Fast Track Construction 2

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TCE-456 Ground Improvement Techniques 2
2. TCE-457 Hydraulic Machines 2
3. TCE-458 Project Management in Construction Technology 2
4. TCE-459 Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures 2

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TOCE-351 Solid Waste Management 3
2. TOCE-352 Green Building Technology 3
3. TOCE-353 Disaster Management 3

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TOCE-401 Industrial Wastes Treatment and Disposal 2
2. TOCE-402 Industrial Pollution Control 2
3. TOCE-403 Noise Pollution and Its Control 2

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. TOCE-451 Environment and Society 2
2. TOCE-452 Geographic Information System 2
3. TOCE-453 Pollution Control and Monitoring 2

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Why Join B.Tech. in Civil Engineering

Civil engineering, from Best Civil Engineering Institute in Uttaranchal, India, has long been considered one of the most respected technical profession. The current Information Technology boom and expansion of the software industry, on the other hand, has marginalised civil engineering. The civil engineering industry, on the other hand, has made a strong comeback to meet the growing need for reliable and long-lasting infrastructure in the public and private sectors.

  • The campus is well conceptualized and planned.
  • The institute is abundantly enabled with the provision of rich resource center in the form of :
    • Centrally operated library
    • Modern laboratories
    • Experienced and well qualified faculty
    • Innovative teaching methodology.
  • We cherish the ideals of providing value-based technical education that would enable our students to achieve empowerment, problem-solving skills, innovation and research.
  • Our special focus is on student placements, hence we subject our students to rigorous placement training.
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