Executive M. Tech (Energy Management and Sustainability)

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Best Executive M. Tech (Energy Management and Sustainability)
College in Uttaranchal, India

Fossil fuels were the fuels of choice in the 20th century. During the first two decades of the 21st century, the transition was from fossil fuels to renewable energy. This transition will require an intensive effort for human resource development in the Renewable Power and sustainability Sector.

The pledge made during COP 26 at Glasgow re-affirms the commitments of various governments to reduce carbon emissions globally with a motto to act locally and think globally. India is the third largest renewable energy producer and it aims to reach net zero emissions by 2070. Further, India has targeted 500 GW of renewable power which means that an annual capacity addition of 40-50 GW. Due to a very high growing potential field, there is a worldwide need for skilled manpower for projects, technology, and policy.

According to the Central Electricity Authority, by 2030, India’s power requirements will be more than 800 GW, and more than half to be from renewable and clean energy sources. India can potentially create 3.4 million jobs (short and long-term) by installing 500 GW of renewable power plants by 2030. The investment required for achieving the 500 GW target is approximately USD 210 Billion by 2030.

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Career Prospects:

The main programme objective of the M Tech in Energy Management is to train students in the growing field of renewable and clean energy to meet the demand for specific manpower in Renewable Power, Energy Auditing, Energy planning, Energy and carbon Management, and Sustainability.




and Choice

Based Academics




and Choice

Based Academics

Eligibility & Fee Details


Executive M. Tech (Energy Management and Sustainability)

Uttarakhand Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads Amount
1st Semester Academic Fee 75,000
Examination Fee 2,500
Total Fee 77,500
2nd Semester Academic Fee 75,000
Examination Fee 2,500
Total Fee 77,500
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges 1,55,000

All India Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads Amount
1st Semester Academic Fee 1,00,000
Diversity Scholarship 25,000
Balance Acadmic Fee 75,000
Examination Fee 2,500
Total Fee 77,700
2nd Semester Academic Fee 1,00,000
Diversity Scholarship 25,000
Balance Acadmic Fee 75,000
Examination Fee 2,500
Total Fee 77,700
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges 1,55,000

One Time Payable Charges in 1st Semester (INR)

Admission Fee Enrollment Fee Caution Money
(Refundable after completion of programme)
6,000 2,000 2,000

Other Charges Per Semester (INR)

Examination Fee Library Fee Students ERP/ID Card Fee/Industrial Tour Fee Online Student Information Fee Total
4,600 800 1,250 1,500 8,150

Optional Fee (INR)

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed with Attached Bathroom (Only for Boys) Triple Bed Four Bed
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 85,000 60,000 70,000 52,000 47,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,30,000 1,05,000 1,15,000 97,000 92,000

Optional Fee (INR) / Flats Only For Girls

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed Lobby (3 Seated) Lobby (4 Seated)
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 90,000 80,000 70,000 65,000 50,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,35,000 1,25,000 1,15,000 1,10,000 95,000

Optional Fee (INR)

Transportation Fee for Poanta Sahib Route per Academic Year (INR) 25,000
Transportation Fee for Doiwala/Nepali Farm/Rishikesh Routes per Academic Year (INR) 24,000
Transportation Fee for Other Routes per Academic Year (INR) 18,000


  • Passed a BE/B.Tech. degree in Mechanical/Electrical/Electrical & Electronics/Civil/Chemical Engineering or M.Sc. in Physics/Energy with a minimum of 55 percent for general category and 50 percent for SC/ST category, as well as a satisfactory score in PG admission exams offered by several states, central, and private universities.


  • Only one choice of scholarship will be allowed to the candidate from the following:
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Girl Candidate for complete programme.
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to ward of Defence Personnel for complete programme.
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Alumni of Uttaranchal University (only in 1st year).
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Sibling of Uttaranchal University(only in ist year).
  • If any student deposits his/her complete yearly Fee, in that case additional scholarship of 5% on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship)will be provided for 1st year only.

Admission Procedure:

Programme Structure

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. MCCS-101 Machine Learning 4
2. MCCS-102 Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms 4
3. MCCS-103 Wireless Mobile Networks 4
4. MCCS-104 High Performance Computing Architecture 4
5. MCCS-10x Department Elective-1 4
6. MCCS-151 Machine Learning Lab 1
7. MCCS-152 Wireless Mobile Networks Lab 1
8. MCCS-153 Seminar-1 1
9. MOOC*   0
Total credit Sem. I 23

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. MCCS-201 Internet of Things 4
2. MCCS-202 Linux Kernel Internals and Network Programming 4
3. MCCS-203 Big Data Technologies 4
4. MCCS-204 Cloud Computing & Applications 4
5. MCCS-20x Department Elective-2 4
  6. Linux Kernel Internals and Network Programming Lab Linux Kernel Internals and Network Programming Lab 1
7. Cloud Computing & Applications Lab Cloud Computing & Applications Lab 1
8. Seminar-2 Seminar-2 1
9. MOOC*   0
Total credit Sem. II 23

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. MCCS-301 REST Web Services 4
2. MCCS-302 Quantum Computing 4
3. MCCS-303 Research Seminar 1
4. MCCS-304 Research Methodology 3
5. MCCS-305 Dissertation Phase-I 2
6. MOOC*   0
Total credit Sem. III 14

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. MCCS-401 Dissertation Phase-II 10
2. MOOC*   0
Total credit Sem. IV 10

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name
1 MCCS-105 Service Oriented Computing
2 MCCS-106 Data Warehousing & Data Mining
3 MCCS-107 Information Retrieval

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name
1 MCCS-205 Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
2 MCCS-206 Heterogeneous and Parallel Computing
3 MCCS-207 Social Network Analysis

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Why join M.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

UIT has a unique learning environment that encourages intellectual and creative growth. The institute has built up education culture that is in tune with the global vision of the 21st Century. Our study programs and doctoral programs have a special focus on research and project work for the industry.

  • The campus is well conceptualized and planned.
  • The institute is abundantly enabled with the provision of rich resource center in the form of :
    • Centrally operated library
    • Modern laboratories
    • Experienced and well qualified faculty
    • Innovative teaching methodology.
  • We cherish the ideals of providing value-based technical education that would enable our students to achieve empowerment, problem-solving skills, innovation and research.
  • Our special focus is on student placements, hence we subject our students to rigorous placement training.
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