M.Tech. Construction Technology & Management

Get an opportunity to work as Project Manager, Construction Manager, Design Manager, Project Coordinator, Planning Engineer.

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Best M.Tech. Construction Technology & Management
College in Uttaranchal, India

Construction Technology and Management is a pioneer and booming field related to industry and academic world collaboration. India is an emerging nation with an enormous call for skilled Construction Management professionals for projects like planning, designing and building of structures, vessel structures, airliner, dams, infrastructure, bridges and the like. Construction Technology and Management is a professional course that uses specialised project management techniques to oversee the planning, design, and construction of a project from start to finish. The objective of Construction Technology and Management is to maintain track of the timeliness, cost, and quality of a project. All project delivery methods, including design-bid-build, are compatible with Construction Technology and Management. Owing to this, Uttaranchal University offers Post graduate program in the field of Construction Technology and Management.

The Construction Technology and Management Program is created to fulfil the increasing demands for specialists who can respond to the industry’s, research organizations, and academics advanced knowledge requirements. The programme focuses on the understanding & skills required for the scheduling, management and successful execution of large infra projects. M.Tech. Program in Construction Technology and Management provides the students an insight into scientific principles involved in the successful execution and management of construction projects. Most recent scientific trends and hands on computer teaching in construction management are vital components of the program. All the courses are planned with specialized viewpoint towards the expansion of engineering and decision-making skills of the graduates.

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Career Prospects:

The Employment Areas include Military Engineering Services, Independent Consultancy Services, Road Projects, Academic Institutes, Real Estate Departments, Building Services Engineer, Sustainability Consultant, Facilities Manager, Site Engineer, Railways Projects to mention a few. An M.Tech in Construction Technology and Management Course can opt for the job profile as Project Manager, Construction Manager, Design Manager, Project Coordinator, Planning Engineer, Design Engineer, Field Engineer, Project Engineer, Building Surveyor and the like.




and Choice

Based Academics




and Choice

Based Academics

Eligibility & Fee Details


M.Tech. Construction Technology & Management

Uttarakhand Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (Graduation Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
1st Semester Academic Fee 41,063 41,063 41,063 41,063
Merit Scholarship 12,319 8,213 4,106 --
Net Academic Fee 28,744 32,850 36,957 41,063
Development Fee 3,285 3,285 3,285 3,285
Other Fee 18,150 18,150 18,150 18,150
2nd Semester Academic Fee 41,063 41,063 41,063 41,063
Merit Scholarship 12,319 8,213 4,106 --
Net Academic Fee 28,744 32,850 36,956 41,063
Development Fee 3,285 3,285 3,285 3,285
Other Fee 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges (1st Category)
(2nd Category)
(3rd Category)
(4th Category)

All India Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (Graduation Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
1st Semester Academic Fee 54,750 54,750 54,750 54,750
Students Diversity Scholarship 4,250 4,250 4,250 4,250
Merit Scholarship 15,150 10,100 5,050 -
Net Academic Fee 35,350 40,400 45,450 50,500
Development Fee 4,380 4,380 4,380 4,380
Other Fee 18,150 18,150 18,150 18,150
2nd Semester Academic Fee 54,750 54,750 54,750 54,750
Students Diversity Scholarship 4,250 4,250 4,250 4,250
Merit Scholarship 15,150 10,100 5,050 -
Net Academic Fee 35,350 40,400 45,450 50,500
Development Fee 4,380 4,380 4,380 4,380
Other Fee 8,150 8,150 8,150 8,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges (1st Category)
(2nd Category)
(3rd Category)
(4th Category)

One Time Payable Charges in 1st Semester (INR)

Admission Fee Enrollment Fee Caution Money
(Refundable after completion of programme)
6,000 2,000 2,000

Other Charges Per Semester (INR)

Examination Fee Library Fee Students ERP/ID Card Fee/Industrial Tour Fee Online Student Information Fee Total
4,600 800 1,250 1,500 8,150

Optional Fee (INR)

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed with Attached Bathroom (Only for Boys) Triple Bed Four Bed
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 85,000 60,000 70,000 52,000 47,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,30,000 1,05,000 1,15,000 97,000 92,000

Optional Fee (INR) / Flats Only For Girls

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed Lobby (3 Seated) Lobby (4 Seated)
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 90,000 80,000 70,000 65,000 50,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,35,000 1,25,000 1,15,000 1,10,000 95,000

Optional Fee (INR)

Transportation Fee for Poanta Sahib Route per Academic Year (INR) 25,000
Transportation Fee for Doiwala/Nepali Farm/Rishikesh Routes per Academic Year (INR) 24,000
Transportation Fee for Other Routes per Academic Year (INR) 18,000


  • B.Tech./BE degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent with a minimum of 55 percent for general category and 50 percent for SC/ST category.
  • A good GATE score is preferred to qualify for admission.


  • Only one choice of scholarship will be allowed to the candidate from the following:
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Girl Candidate for complete programme.
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to ward of Defence Personnel for complete programme.
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Alumni of Uttaranchal University (only in 1st year).
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Sibling of Uttaranchal University(only in 1st year).
  • If any student deposits his/her complete yearly Fee, in that case additional scholarship of 5% on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship)will be provided for 1st year only.

Admission Procedure:

Programme Structure

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. MCTM101 Advanced Engineering Materials 4
2. MCTM102 Project Management in Construction 4
3. Programme Elective-I Elective I 4
4. Programme Elective-II Elective II 4
5. MCTM151 Concrete Construction Quality Control Lab 1
6. MCTM152 Building Planning and Design Lab 1
7. MCTM153 Research Methodology and IPR 2
8. MCTM171 Disaster Mitigation & Management -
Total credit Sem. I 20

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1.   MCTM201 Application of Operation Research Techniques and Statistical methods in Construction 4
2. MCTM202 Construction & Contract Management 4
3. Programme Elective-III Elective III 4
4. Programme Elective-VI Elective IV 4
5. MCTM251 Advanced Pavement Engineering Laboratory 1
6. MCTM252 Seminar-I 1
7. MCTM253 Mini Project 2
8. MCTM271 Organizational Behaviour -
Total credit Sem. II 20

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. Programme Elective-V Elective V 4
2. Elective-VI Elective VI 4
3. MCTM351 Dissertation Part-I 10
Total credit Sem. III 18

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. MCTM451 Dissertation Part-II 12
Total credit Sem. IV 12

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. MCTM121 Maintenance of Building Structures 4
2. MCTM122 Advanced Concrete Technology 4

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. MCTM123 Quality and Safety in Construction 4
2. MCTM124 Construction Economics & Finance 4

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. MCTM221 Pavement Design, Construction and Maintenance 4
2. MCTM222 Risk Analysis and Decision Making 4

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. MCTM223 Supply Chain Management 4
2. MCTM224 Foundation Design and Construction 4

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. MCTM321 GIS in Construction Engineering and Management Reliability Credits
2. MCTM322 Green Building and Energy Management Credits

Sr. No. Subject Code Subject Name Credits
1. MCTM323 Modern Construction Techniques & Equipment Management 4
2. MCTM324 Sustainable Construction Engineering 4

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Why join M.Tech. in Construction Technology & Management

The course instills managerial qualities in the candidate. The graduate individual can also start his/her own Construction Consultancy Firm. After attaining thorough understanding and adequate experience in Construction Technology and Management M.Tech. candidates can turn out to be CEO, Head of Planning & Design Department, Project leader and the like.

  • The campus is well conceptualized and planned.
  • The institute is abundantly enabled with the provision of rich resource center in the form of :
    • Centrally operated library
    • Modern laboratories
    • Experienced and well qualified faculty
    • Innovative teaching methodology.
  • We cherish the ideals of providing value-based technical education that would enable our students to achieve empowerment, problem solving skills, innovation and research.
  • Our special focus is on student placements, hence we subject our students to rigorous placement training.
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Development with International Outlook

Our students graduate with self-confidence and social skills. The diversity they encounter during their education prepares them to engage in various cultures and global industries.

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