Cultural Club: Mosaic

Mosaic is a powerful metaphor to celebrate unity in diversity.

About the Club

Mosaic is a powerful metaphor to celebrate unity in diversity. The Club honours the ideas, customs and heritage of all the people around the world. The aim is to engage the students in the collaborative activities and events that help them to acknowledge the plurality of the society and cherish its rich culture. The Club promotes cultural exchanges and envisions a cosmopolitan idea of the world where every person fits together to form a beautiful mosaic.


The club aims to instil in students cultural sensitivities and sensibilities by conducting various collaborative activities. Students are encouraged to showcase their cultural art-forms and learn about others’ simultaneously. The club offers an environment for students to acknowledge and respect each other’s differences and similarities and thrive together harmoniously.

The organising and managing of events at institutional level will help students to develop the feeling of camaraderie among themselves and infuse leadership qualities in them. Students will be able to explore their creative, aesthetic, and unique sides of their personalities.


  • Students will be approved by the Club Coordinator on the basis of their performances in the faculty as well as in the University level
  • Students will be judged / approved on the basis of certain qualities required to execute activities of the club i.e Integrity, Ability to delegate, Flexibility in performing tasks, Communication skills, Behavior, Self-awareness, Gratitude, Confidence, Discipline, Learning agility, Influence and Empathy
  • Promotion of members will be done only by the Club Coordinator according to their overall performance of previous events in sight
  • Application forms will be circulated for students to choose their choice of clubs before examining their suitability


  • Students will be selected on the basis of their creative, aesthetic, cultural sensibilities
  • Understanding cultural diversity and differences is a prerequisite to be a member of the club
  • Respect for diverse cultures, people, their art-forms and history is also necessary
  • Good communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving approach, time and stress management is required to execute activities and events 


  • The Club Coordinator along with the office bearers and the members of the Cultural Club are required to coordinate various activities, programs, events etc. of the SLA, and also any other functions of university whenever required and assigned for.
  • It is to be ensured that there is maximum engagement of students and adequate utilization of their knowledge, interest, and skills for creative and optimum use for all cultural activities.
  • To ensure discipline in all the events organized and to promote a healthy and interactive ambience in all events organized. It is mandatory that the members shall coordinate/cooperate with the heads, faculty and vigilance team and compile a report at the end of each event.
  • To arrange/allocate funds from the budgetary allocation/student’s head by collecting affordable amount of funds from the students or get special sanction of the grant for buying & purchase of equipment, decorative items, etc. or to organize/promote events, competitions, festivals, tours, exhibitions, programs etc of different clubs.
  • It is mandatory to decide dates and nature of the program scheduled beforehand by confronting with the concerned faculty. In case of rejection/any amendment from the authority, the same is required to be communicated to the applicant and the other members included in writing.
  • The coordinator shall look after the communication and contacts with the other clubs of the institution for better exposure of the student members through cultural exchange programs.
Designation Name Branch Year Email ID
President Arun Singh Negi BA (H) English 3rd [email protected]
Vice-President (Boy) Rahul Sharma BA 2nd [email protected]
Vice-President (Girl) Maneesha Negi BA (Hons) Psy 2nd [email protected]
Secretary Sadhana Bora MA English 1st [email protected]
Joint Secretary (Girl) Soumya Singh BA (Hons) English 1st [email protected]
Executive members (maximum 05) Devna Bharadwaj BA (Hons) Psy 1st [email protected]
Chirag Singh BA (Hons) Psy 1st [email protected]
Kalpana Yadav BA (Hons) Psy 1st [email protected]
Gaurav Kohli BA (Hons) Psy 1st [email protected]
Ashvin Sharma BA (Hons) English 1st [email protected]

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Cultural Club

Mosaic is a powerful metaphor to celebrate unity in diversity. The Club honours the ideas, customs and heritage of all the people around the world.

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How to Apply?

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Development with International Outlook

Our students graduate with self-confidence and social skills. The diversity they encounter during their education prepares them to engage in various cultures and global industries.

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