B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture

Get trained about the most modern methods used in Agricultural Sciences.

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Best College of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture in India

The B.Sc (Agri.) programme is an undergraduate programme related to the field of agriculture. The focus of this study is on agriculture. Under this programme, students are trained about the most modern methods used in fertilizers; plant biotechnology. The programme apart from training in scientific skills also trains in marketing skills of agriculture products. Under this study, the students are exposed to real life rural settings with the aim to develop a sense of awareness among the students so that they can understand the problems of farmers and rural people.

Agriculture graduates are constantly in high demand in government, semi-government, and corporate enterprises. Students with a B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture degree will have limitless opportunities all over the world. Students can find high-paying employments in agriculture and forestry, such as IFS, NABARD officer, Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO)/ Assistant Horticulture Officer (AHO), District Horticulture Officer (DHO), Sugarcane officer, Farm Manager, Crop Scientist, and Agricultural Consultant. They may also start their own businesses/agri-entrepreneurship.

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and Choice

Based Academics

Syllabus Customized

on Skill Development and,

Tailored for

Current Demands

Eligibility & Fee Details


B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture

Uttarakhand Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (12th Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
1st Semester Academic Fee 43,294 43,294 43,294 43,294
Merit Scholarship 12,988 8,659 4,329 --
Net Academic Fee 30,306 34,635 38,965 43,294
Development Fee 3,464 3,464 3,464 3,464
Other Fee 25,150 25,150 25,150 25,150
2nd Semester Academic Fee 43,294 43,294 43,294 43,294
Merit Scholarship 12,988 8,659 4,329 --
Net Academic Fee 30,306 34,635 38,965 43,294
Development Fee 3,464 3,464 3,464 3,464
Other Fee 9,150 9,150 9,150 9,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges

(1st Category) 


(2nd Category) 


(3rd Category) 


(4th Category) 


All India Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (12th Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(12th Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
1st Semester Academic Fee 57,725 57,725 57,725 57,725
Students Diversity Scholarship 5,993 5,993 5,993 5,993
Merit Scholarship 15,520 10,346 5,173 -
Net Academic Fee 36,212 41,386 46,559 51,732
Development Fee 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618
Other Fee 25,150 25,150 25,150 25,150
2nd Semester Academic Fee 57,725 57,725 57,725 57,725
Students Diversity Scholarship 5,993 5,993 5,993 5,993
Merit Scholarship 15,520 10,346 5,173 -
Net Academic Fee 36,212 41,386 46,559 51,732
Development Fee 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618
Other Fee 9,150 9,150 9,150 9,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges

(1st Category) 


(2nd Category) 


(3rd Category) 


(4th Category) 


One Time Payable Charges in 1st Semester (INR)

Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Students Welfare Fee Caution Money
(Refundable after completion of programme)
6,000 2,000 6,000 2,000

Other Charges Per Semester (INR)

Examination Fee Library Fee Students ERP/ID Card Fee/Industrial Tour Fee Online Student Information Fee Lab Charges Total
4,600 800 1,250 1,500 1,000 9,150

Optional Fee (INR)

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed with Attached Bathroom (Only for Boys) Triple Bed Four Bed
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 85,000 60,000 70,000 52,000 47,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,30,000 1,05,000 1,15,000 97,000 92,000

Optional Fee (INR) / Flats Only For Girls

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed Lobby (3 Seated) Lobby (4 Seated)
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 90,000 80,000 70,000 65,000 50,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,35,000 1,25,000 1,15,000 1,10,000 95,000

Optional Fee (INR)

Transportation Fee for Poanta Sahib Route per Academic Year (INR) 25,000
Transportation Fee for Doiwala/Nepali Farm/Rishikesh Routes per Academic Year (INR) 24,000
Transportation Fee for Other Routes per Academic Year (INR) 18,000


  • 10+2 examination with PCB/PCM/Agriculture or equivalent.
  • Minimum 50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST category).


  • Only one choice of scholarship will be allowed to the candidate from the following:
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Girl Candidate for complete programme.
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to ward of Defence Personnel for complete programme.
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Alumni of Uttaranchal University (only in 1st year).
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Sibling of Uttaranchal University(only in 1st year).
  • If any student deposits his/her complete yearly Fee, in that case additional scholarship of 5% on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship)will be provided for 1st year only.

Admission Procedure:

Programme Structure

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. AHS-111 Fundamentals of Horticulture 2(1+1)
2. ABT-111 Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 3(2+1)
3. ASS-111 Fundamentals of Soil Science 3(2+1)
4. AGF-111 Introduction to Forestry 2(1+1)
5. AHE-111 Comprehension & Communication Skills in English 2(1+1)
6. AGA-111 Fundamentals of Agronomy 4(3+1)
7. AEE-111 Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology 2(2+0)
8. ARC-111 Agriculture Heritage 1(1+0)
9. ARC-112 Elementary Mathematics 2(2+0)
10. ARC-113 Introductory Biology 2(1+1)
11. ANC-111 Human Values & Ethics 1(1+0)
12. ANC-112 NSS/NCC/Physical Education & Yoga Practices 2 (0+2)
Total credit Sem. I 26

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. AGP-121 Fundamentals of Genetics 3(2+1)
2. AMB-121 Agricultural Microbiology 2(1+1)
3. AET-121 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering 2(1+1)
4. APH-122 Fundamentals of Crop Physiology 2(1+1)
5. AEM-121 Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics 2(2+0)
6. APP-121 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 4(3+1)
7. AEN-121 Fundamentals of Entomology 4(3+1)
8. AEE-121 Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education 3(2+1)
9. AHE-121 Communication Skills and Personality Development 2(1+1)
Total credit Sem. II 24

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. AGA-211 Crop Production Technology – I (Kharif Crops) 2(1+1)
2. AGP-211 Fundamentals of Plant Breeding 3(2+1)
3. AEM-211 Agricultural Finance and Cooperation 3(2+1)
4. AIT-211 Agri- Informatics 2(1+1)
5. AET-211 Farm Machinery and Power 2(1+1)
6. AHS-211 Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices 2(1+1)
7. APH-211 Environmental Studies and Disaster Management 3(2+1)
8. AAM-211 Statistical Methods 2(1+1)
9. AAH-211 Livestock and Poultry Management 4(3+1)
Total credit Sem. III 23

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. AGA-221 Crop Production Technology –II (Rabi Crops) 2(1+1)
2. AHS-221 Production Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping 2(1+1)
3. AET-221 Renewable Energy and Green Technology 2(1+1)
4. ASS-221 Problematic Soils and their Management 2(2+0)
5. AHS-222 Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation Crops 2(1+1)
6. AGP-221 Principles of Seed Technology 3(1+2)
7. AGA-222 Farming System & Sustainable Agriculture 2(1+1)
8. AEM-221 Agricultural Marketing Trade & Prices 3(2+1)
9. AGA-223 Introductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change 2(1+1)
10. AXX-XXX Elective Course 3(2+1)
11. ANC-221 Educational Tour -
Total credit Sem. IV 23

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 APP-311 Principles of Integrated Pest and Disease Management 3(2+1)
2 ASS-311 Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management 3(2+1)
3 AEN-311 Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management 3(2+1)
4 APP-312 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management -I 3(2+1)
5 AGP-311 Crop Improvement-I (Kharif Crops) 2(1+1)
6 AEE-311 Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication 2(1+1)
7 AGA-311 Geo-informatics and Nano-technology and Precision Farming 2(1+1)
8 AGA-312 Practical Crop Production – I (Kharif crops) 2(0+2)
9 AIT-311 Intellectual Property Rights 1(1+0)
10 AXX-XXX Elective Course 3(2+1)
11 ANC-311 Educational Tour -
Total credit Sem. V 24

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 AGA-321 Rainfed Agriculture & Watershed Management 2(1+1)
2 AET-321 Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture 2(1+1)
3 APP-321 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II   3(2+1)
4 AHS-321 Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables   2(1+1)
5 AEN-321 Management of Beneficial Insects 2(1+1)
6 AGP-321 Crop Improvement-II (Rabi crops) 2(1+1)
7 AGA-322 Practical Crop Production –II (Rabi crops) 2(0+2)
8 AGA-323 Principles of Organic Farming 2(1+1)
9 AEM-321 Farm Management, Production & Resource Economics   2(1+1)
10 AFS-321 Principles of Food Science and Nutrition 2(2+0)
11 AXX-XXX Elective Course 3(2+1)
Total credit Sem. VI 24

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 AGA-321 Rainfed Agriculture & Watershed Management 2(1+1)
2 AET-321 Protected Cultivation and Secondary Agriculture 2(1+1)
3 APP-321 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II   3(2+1)
4 AHS-321 Post-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables   2(1+1)
5 AEN-321 Management of Beneficial Insects 2(1+1)
6 AGP-321 Crop Improvement-II (Rabi crops) 2(1+1)
7 AGA-322 Practical Crop Production –II (Rabi crops) 2(0+2)
8 AGA-323 Principles of Organic Farming 2(1+1)
9 AEM-321 Farm Management, Production & Resource Economics   2(1+1)
10 AFS-321 Principles of Food Science and Nutrition 2(2+0)
11 AXX-XXX Elective Course 3(2+1)
Total credit Sem. VI 24

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. READY-411 Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) 16(0 + 16)
2. READY-412 Agro-industrial Attachment (AIA) 04(0 + 04)
Total credit Sem. VII 24

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. READY-4XX Experiential Learning Programme (Module-I)# 10(0+10)
2. READY-4XX Experiential Learning Programme (Module-II)# 10(0+10)
Total credit Sem. VIII 24

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. READY-421 Bioagents and Biofertilizer production 10(0+10)
2. READY-422 Seed Production and Technology 10(0+10)
3. READY-423 Mushroom Cultivation 10(0+10)
4. READY-424 Soil, plant , water and seed Testing services 10(0+10)
5. READY-425 Beekeeping 10(0+10)
6. READY-426 Poultry Production 10(0+10)
7. READY-427 Applied Hi-Tech Horticulture 10(0+10)
8. READY-428 Agri-business management 10(0+10)
9. READY-429 Hybrid Seed Production Technologies 10(0+10)
10. READY-430 Floriculture and Landscaping 10(0+10)
11. READY-431 Food Processing and Food safety standards 10(0+10)
12. READY-432 Commercial vegetable production 10(0+10)
13. READY-433 Tissue-culture Technologies 10(0+10)
14. READY-434 Agriculture Waste Management 10(0+10)
15. READY-435 Organic Production Technology 10(0+10)
16. READY-436 Agro-advisory Services 10(0+10)
17. READY-437 Nursery Management 10(0+10)
18. READY-438 Sericulture 10(0+10)
19. READY-439 Practicing Protected Horticulture 10(0+10)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. AEM-322 Agri-business Management 3(2+1)
2. APP-322 Agrochemicals 3(2+1)
3. AGP-322 Commercial Plant Breeding 3(1+2)
4. AHS-311 Landscaping 3(1+2)
5. AFS-221 Food Safety and Standards 3(2+1)
6. AEN-221 Biopesticides & Biofertilizers 3(2+1)
7. AHS-312 Protected Cultivation 3(2+1)
8. AHS-313 Micro propagation Technologies 3(1+2)
9. AHS-314 Hi-tech. Horticulture 3(2+1)
10. AGA-313 Weed Management 3(2+1)
11. AET-322 System Simulation and Agro advisory 3(2+1)
12. AEE-312 Agricultural Journalism 3(2+1)
13. AEE-313 Drones Technology in Agriculture 3(2+1)
14. AEE-314 Smart Agriculture 3(2+1)

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Why Join Uttaranchal School of Agriculture?

Uttaranchal School of Agriculture, a constituent institute of Uttaranchal University with an aim to prepare highly knowledgeable and more competent fraternities in the field of Agriculture.

  • The campus is well conceptualized and planned.
  • The institute is abundantly enabled with the provision of rich resource center in the form of :
    • Centrally operated library
    • Modern laboratories
    • Experienced and well qualified faculty
    • Innovative teaching methodology
  • We cherish the ideals of providing value-based technical education that would enable our students to achieve empowerment, problem solving skills, innovation and research.
  • Our special focus is on student placements, hence we subject our students to rigorous placement training.
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