M.Sc. Ag.
(Plant Pathology)

Get trained about the most modern methods used in plant biotechnology.

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Best M.Sc. Ag. (Plant Pathology) College in India

Plant Pathology is a core branch of agriculture which deals with the diseases in crop plants and their management. M.Sc. in Plant Pathology trains the students in the identification of the symptoms of different plant diseases, disease management and treatment through chemicals.

Post Graduates in Plant Pathology are always in demand in government organizations, semi government organizations and private organizations. With a Masters Degree in Plant Pathology the students can get high paying jobs in Plant Protection Department at the Scientist Level. The fertilizer companies also require agricultural experts. Organic Food Production Companies hire them as Quality Control Experts and collaborate with agriculturists in contact farming. They are also required in seed industries and pesticide industries.

Master’s Degree in Agricultural Sciences also qualifies the students for higher research in the Department of Agriculture Research. They can also appear for Civil Services Examination. They can opt for the position of Scientist in various government organizations, like, ICAR, CSIR, DBT, DST through ARS Examination and other selection procedures. They are eligible to attempt NET and aim for the position of Professor in Universities /Colleges.

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and Choice

Based Academics

Syllabus Customized

on Skill Development,

and Tailored for

Current Demands

Eligibility & Fee Details


M.Sc. Ag. (Plant Pathology)

Uttarakhand Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (Graduation Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
1st Semester Academic Fee 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000
Merit Scholarship 10,800 7,200 3,600 --
Net Academic Fee 25,200 28,800 32,400 36,000
Development Fee 2,880 2,880 2,880 2,880
Other Fee 25,150 25,150 25,150 25,150
2nd Semester Academic Fee 36,000 36,000 36,000 36,000
Merit Scholarship 10,800 7,200 3,600 --
Net Academic Fee 25,200 28,800 32,400 36,000
Development Fee 2,880 2,880 2,880 2,880
Other Fee 9,150 9,150 9,150 9,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges

(1st Category) 


(2nd Category) 


(3rd Category) 


(4th Category) 


All India Quota (Amount of fee details in INR)

Semester Heads (Graduation Aggregate%)
(1st Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
>=80.01 and <=90
(2nd Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
>=70.01 and <=80
(3rd Category)
(Graduation Aggregate%)
(4th Category)
1st Semester Academic Fee 48,000 48,000 48,000 48,000
Students Diversity Scholarship 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Merit Scholarship 13,650 9,100 4,550 -
Net Academic Fee 31,850 36,400 40,950 45,500
Development Fee 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840
Other Fee 25,150 25,150 25,150 25,150
2nd Semester Academic Fee 48,000 48,000 48,000 48,000
Students Diversity Scholarship 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Merit Scholarship 13,650 9,100 4,550 -
Net Academic Fee 31,850 36,400 40,950 45,500
Development Fee 3,840 3,840 3,840 3,840
Other Fee 9,150 9,150 9,150 9,150
Total Fee year wise inclusive of other charges

(1st Category) 


(2nd Category) 


(3rd Category) 


(4th Category) 


One Time Payable Charges in 1st Semester (INR)

Admission Fee Enrolment Fee Students Welfare Fee Caution Money
(Refundable after completion of programme)
6,000 2,000 6,000 2,000

Other Charges Per Semester (INR)

Examination Fee Library Fee Students ERP/ID Card Fee/Industrial Tour Fee Online Student Information Fee Lab Charges Total
4,600 800 1,250 1,500 1,000 9,150

Optional Fee (INR)

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed with Attached Bathroom (Only for Boys) Triple Bed Four Bed
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 85,000 60,000 70,000 52,000 47,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,30,000 1,05,000 1,15,000 97,000 92,000

Optional Fee (INR) / Flats Only For Girls

Hostel & Mess Fee Single Bed Double Bed Triple Bed Lobby (3 Seated) Lobby (4 Seated)
Rent and other Fee per Academic Year 90,000 80,000 70,000 65,000 50,000
Mess Fee per Academic Year 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500 40,500
Laundry Fee per Academic Year 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Hostel Security Fee (Refundable after completion of the session) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Total Amount 1,35,000 1,25,000 1,15,000 1,10,000 95,000

Optional Fee (INR)

Transportation Fee for Poanta Sahib Route per Academic Year (INR) 25,000
Transportation Fee for Doiwala/Nepali Farm/Rishikesh Routes per Academic Year (INR) 24,000
Transportation Fee for Other Routes per Academic Year (INR) 18,000


  • B.Sc. degree in Agriculture/Horticulture/Forestry/Biotechnology/CBZ combination. 55% or 5.5 GPA marks for general and 50% for SC/ST category. (The Students who have completed the graduation degree with 3-years duration have to go for 1-year deficiency courses of Agriculture).


  • Only one choice of scholarship will be allowed to the candidate from the following:
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Girl Candidate for complete programme.
    • 5% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to ward of Defence Personnel for complete programme.
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Alumni of Uttaranchal University (only in 1st year).
    • 10% scholarship on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship) to Sibling of Uttaranchal University(only in 1st year).
  • If any student deposits his/her complete yearly Fee, in that case additional scholarship of 5% on Net Academic Fee (after merit scholarship)will be provided for 1st year only.

Admission Procedure:

Programme Structure

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
Major courses (Gradial courses)
1 MSAGP-501 Mycology* 3(2+1)
2 MSAGP-502 Plant Pathogenic Prokaryotes* 3(2+1)
3 MSAGP-503 Principles of Plant Pathology* 3(2+1)
4 MSAGP-5xx Elective course  2(1+1)
Non-Gradial Compulsory Courses
5 NCXX-501 Open Elective Course  1(1+0)
6 NCXX-501 Open Elective Course  1(0+1)
Total credit Semester-I 13

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
Major courses (Gradial courses)
1 MSAGP-505 Techniques in Detection and Diagnosis of Plant Diseases* 2(1+1)
2 MSAGP-510 Phyto Nematology* 3(2+1)
3 MSAGP-5XX Elective course  2(1+1)
Minor courses (Gradial courses)
4 MSAGE-5XX Elective course  2(1+1)
5 MSAGE-50X Elective course  2(1+1)
Supporting courses  (compulsory for all students) (Gradial courses)
6 MSAGM-508 Statistical Methods 3(2+1)
Non-Gradial Compulsory Courses
6 NCXX-501 Open Elective Course  1(1+0)
7 NCXX-501 Open Elective Course  1(0+1)
Total credit Semester-II 16

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. MSAGM-508 Statistical Methods 3(2+1)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. NCXX-501 Open Elective Course 1(1+0)
2. NCXX-501 Open Elective Course 1(0+1)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
Major courses (Gradial courses)
1 MSAGP-515 Plant Virology* 3(2+1)
2 MSAGP-516 Diseases of Field and Medicinal Crops* 3(2+1)
3 MSAGP-5xx Elective course  1(1+0)
4 MSAGP-591 Master’s Seminar* 1(0+1)
Minor courses (Gradial courses)
5 MSAGE-5xx Elective course  2(1+1)
6 MSAGE-5xx Elective course  2(1+1)
Supporting courses  (compulsory for all students) (Gradial courses)
7 MSAGM-514 Experimental Design 2(1+1)
Non-Gradial Compulsory Courses
8 NCXX-501 Open Elective Course  1(1+0)
9 NCXX-501 Open Elective Course  1(0+1)
Total credit Semester-III 16

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. MSAGM-514 Experimental Design 2(1+1)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1. NCXX-501 Open Elective Course 1(1+0)
2. NCXX-501 Open Elective Course 1(0+1)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
Major courses (Gradial courses)
1 MSAGP-599 Master’s Research * 30(0+30)
Total credit Semester-IV 30

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 MSAGP-504 Principles of Plant Disease Management 2(1+1)
2 MSAGP-506 Post-harvest Diseases 2(1+1)
3 MSAGP-507 Diseases of Fruits, Plantation and Ornamental Crops 2(1+1)
4 MSAGP-508 Diseases of Vegetable and Spices Crops 2(1+1)
5 MSAGP-511 Seed Health Technology 2(1+1)
6 MSAGP-512 Biological Control of Plant Diseases 2(1+1)
7 MSAGP-513 Mushroom Production Technology 2(1+1)
8 MSAGP-514 Insect Vectors of plant viruses and other Pathogens 2(1+1)
9 MSAGP-517 Disease Resistance in Plants 1(1+0)
10 MSAGP-518 Integrated Disease Management 2(1+1)
11 MSAGP-519 Epidemiology and Forecasting of Plant Diseases 2(1+1)
12 MSAGP-521 Plant Quarantine and Regulatory Measures 1(1+0)
13 MSAGP-522 Diseases of Crop Plants 2(1+1)
14 MSAGP-523 Disease Resistance, Epidemiology and Forecasting of Plant Diseases 2(1+1)
15 MSAGP-524 Chemicals in Plant Disease Management 2(1+1)
16 MSAGP-525 Ecology of soil-borne Plant Pathogens 2(1+1)
17 MSAGP-526 Detection and Management of Seed Borne Pathogens 2(1+1)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 MSAGE-501 Pest Management in Organic Farming 2(1+1)
2 MSAGE-502 Productive Insects and Weed Killers 2(1+1)
3 MSAGE-503 Biological Insect Pest Suppression 2(1+1)
4 MSAGE-506 Classification of Insects 2(1+1)
5 MSAGE-507 Pests of Field Crops 2(1+1)
9 MSAGE-511 Biological Control of Crop Pests and Weeds 2(1+1)
10 MSAGE-512 Principles of Integrated Pest Management 2(1+1)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 AGA-111 Fundamentals of Agronomy 3(2+1)
2 AHS-111 Fundamentals of Horticulture 2(1+1)
3 ASS-111 Fundamentals of Soil Science  2(1+1)
4 APP-312 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management -I 3(2+1)
1 APP-121 Fundamentals of Plant Pathology 3(2+1)
2 AEN-121 Fundamentals of Entomology 3(2+1)
3 APP-313 Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management -II 3(2+1)

Sr. No. Course Code Course Name Credits
1 NCIT-501 Intellectual Property and Its Management in Agriculture  1(1+0)
2 NCHU-501 Technical Writing and Communication Skills  1(0+1)
  NCPH-501 Disaster Management  1(1+0)
3 NCLIB-501 Library and Information Services 1(0+1)
4 NCBT-501 Basic Concepts in Laboratory Techniques  1(0+1)
6 NCRM-501 Agriculture Research, Research Ethics and Rural Development Programme 1(1+0)

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Why Join Uttaranchal School of Agriculture?

Uttaranchal School of Agriculture, a constituent institute of Uttaranchal University with an aim to prepare highly knowledgeable and more competent fraternities in the field of Agriculture.

  • The campus is well conceptualized and planned.
  • The institute is abundantly enabled with the provision of rich resource center in the form of :
    • Centrally operated library
    • Modern laboratories
    • Experienced and well qualified faculty
    • Innovative teaching methodology.
  • We cherish the ideals of providing value-based technical education that would enable our students to achieve empowerment, problem solving skills, innovation and research.
  • Our special focus is on student placements, hence we subject our students to rigorous placement training.
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