A. The library is kept open on all the week days, except the holidays from Monday to Sunday at 9 AM to 9 PM.
A. Remote access is a facility to access the university subscribed e resources from outside the campus.
A. You can get the photocopy, print and scan the book of only 10% of total pages of a book.
A. OPAC is the On-line Public Access Catalogue and you can search the documents available in the library by putting any of the identified keywords or numbers are known for the documents in the search box. It shows you the bibliographical details of the documents along with its Call Number and Accession Number to locate that in the library.
A. The library follows the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system to arrange its documents and each book is given a unique classification number to identify it. Books are kept on the racks in the ascending order of the classification numbers assigned to them in various locations in the main building of the Central Library and departmental libraries. You can locate the books by knowing their classification number by using web OPAC (online public access catalogue) facility.
A. You can get issued the book from any library of the university but you are advised to return the book to the same library where from you have issued.
A. You can login into WEBOPAC form Library webpage and then click your account facility under the search option. Each transaction of your library account is available to you.
A. The resources which you cannot borrow are reference material like loose journals, magazine, News paper etc.
A. You can reserve a book/DVD only if it’s checked out.
A. Term books, which are recommended for reading as text in the university curriculum, in a semester.
A. Yes, The library has a sizeable number of light reading books.
A. The back issues of the journals are available in stack section in bound volumes.
A. Online e-Journals and databases can be accessed on campus through library web page and off the campus by using remote access facility (marked as red) given on the Library web page. Only registered members can access the remote facility.
A. You can access library web page and click on subscribed e-resources and databses on the title bar.
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